Children’s Support Program
Home / Children’s Support Program
We Are Here to Help
Do You Know A Child Who May Be In Need of Grief Support?
Hospice Huntsville offers grief support for children program after school. Group size is limited.
Duration: 5 weeks
There is no charge for the program and is open to children ages 5-12 in our community.
For Details: Andrea Cooper, Grief and Bereavement Program Coordinator
Telephone: 705-789-6878 Ext. 200 or Email:
Canadian Virtual Hospice
Kids Grief Webinar: webinar about grief and the holidays with children’s grief expert Andrea Warnick, you can watch the recording here:

We are also accepting referrals for future Grief Support Groups
All of our programs & services are completely free of charge
Do you know a child who has lost someone or something close to them?
Do you know a child dealing with the difficult emotions associated with grief?
Do you know a child who needs a safe place to talk about their feelings?
We are here to help
Our six week Children’s Support Program is designed to help children process grief issues due to the loss of a loved one through death, divorce, separation, or the loss of something they treasured, giving them the opportunity to identify and express their feelings in a helpful way. This program is at no charge to our community members.
Our program is for elementary school age children.
Referrals are welcome throughout the year
For details or to register contact:
Andrea Cooper, Grief and Bereavement Program Coordinator, Hospice Huntsville
(705) 789-6878 Ext. 200 or email:
10 Things grieving children want you to know
The death of a parent or sibling has been found to be one of the most stressful life events that a child or youth can experience
- Grieving children want to be told the truth.
- Grieving children want to be reassured that there will always be someone to take care of them.
- Grieving children want you to know that their grief is long lasting
- Children often cope with grief and loss through play.
- Grieving children want you to know that they will always miss the person who died.
- Grieving children want to share their story and talk about the person who died.
- Every child grieves differently.
- Grieving children often feel guilty.
- I might be acting out, what I’m really feeling is intense emotions of grief.
- If you’re not sure what a grieving child wants, just ask them!
To read the full document please visit the National Alliance for Grieving Children.